Sterling Receives ESGR’s Pro Patria Award

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North Sioux City, South Dakota, April 3rd, 2024 — Sterling, an award-winning provider of transformative technology solutions, is pleased to announce that the South Dakota Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Committee has presented Sterling with its prestigious Pro Patria Award, the highest honor that can be bestowed from an ESGR State Committee.


An office of the Department of Defense, ESGR strives to promote cooperation and understanding between Reserve Component Service members and their civilian employers and to assist in the resolution of conflicts arising from an employee’s military commitment. To that end, the group’s Pro Patria Award recognizes one South Dakota employer who provides exceptional support to national defense through leadership practices and personnel policies that support employees serving in the National Guard and Reserve. Awarded annually, the recognition is conferred at the state’s Military Dining Out Night, a formal event held each winter in Pierre, SD.


“Receiving this award is a great honor,” said Brad Moore, CEO of Sterling. “It is an affirmation of our current efforts as well as a call to continue to do all we can in support of our nation’s incredible servicemen and servicewomen, several of whom are cherished members of our staff. We’re grateful for their considerable talents, leadership, and sacrifice. We’re proud to have them on the team.”


Sterling, nominated by its own Maj. Chris Barondeau, Director of Strategic Initiatives, was presented with the Pro Patria Award during a celebratory evening featuring keynote addresses from Gov. Kristi Noem as well as the Adjutant General for the South Dakota National Guard, Maj. Gen. Mark Morrell.


“Sterling values the leadership, work ethic, and moral principles that National Guard and Reserve employees bring to the table,” explained Barondeau, a Major in the Nebraska Army National Guard. “During my deployment, the company provided me with outstanding, top-down support. And that continued even when I returned home.”


To be eligible for a Pro Patria Award, employers must first be honored with the Above and Beyond Award, must’ve had at least one supervisor or other representative recognized with a Patriot Award, and must have signed an official Statement of Support. To learn more, visit

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